
students walking
  • Freshmen/First Time-Full Time

    I am a current high school student OR I have never attended college.  Freshmen have graduated from high school. They may have taken concurrent classes but have not attended college full time.

    Admission Requirements

    Regular Admission

    • HS GPA minimum of 3.0
      All students admitted to the university in this category receive academic scholarship.

    Conditional Admission

    • Students with a high school GPA below a 3.0 may submit documents through their admissions recruiter to be considered for review.


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  • Transfer / Re-admit

    I have attempted at least 24 college credit hours after high school.  Transfer students have attended college and have attempted 24 or more credit hours. Readmit students have attempted 24 or more credit hours and have previously attended SNU.  Note: Transfers/readmits are primarily interested in day-time traditional classes.

    Admissions Requirements

    Transfer applicants must submit official transcripts from all colleges/universities they have previously attended.  The student’s cumulative GPA must be a 2.50 or higher.  Students who have a 2.20-2.49 may submit documents through their admissions recruiter to be considered for review.  Students below a 2.20 are not admitted the University.


    Readmit Requirements

    Students who have previously attended SNU and wish to return to the University must submit an application if they have been away from SNU for one semester or more.  Applicants must submit official transcripts from all colleges/universities they have attended before their application will be reviewed.  Students who left the University on academic probation will be required to complete supplemental review documents and/or participate in a re-admission interview.  Typically, students are not re-admitted to the University unless their GPA is 2.50 or higher.


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  • Adult Professional Studies

    I am an adult student primarily interested in evening classes to complete my bachelor’s degree. Adult undergraduate students are interested in completing a bachelor’s degree. We offer evening or online courses. For more information, visit our Professional & Graduate Studies page.

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  • Graduate

    I have completed my bachelor’s or master’s degree and would like to take master’s level courses or apply for the doctoral degree program.  Graduate students have already earned a bachelor’s or master’s degree and are interested in obtaining a master’s or doctoral degree. for more information, visit our Professional & Graduate Studies page.

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